Community is an important part of creativity. Community is one of the things that helps us be brave, take risks, experiment, and challenge ourselves and each other. Who we choose to be around affects the work that we do. It is both important to be around like-minded people who support and create a safe place to take risks, as it is to be surrounded by people who challenge and push us into unknown territory. I have always felt that rich, interesting, generous, non-judgemental environments and people can result in massive shifts in thought and the work we produce. Just as easily, certain mindsets can strangle creativity. Creating well-curated gatherings of people has always been important to me. Sharing thoughts, food, nature, past times, obsessions, and new ways of viewing the world can trigger new creativity. Cross-pollinating with other fields and new modalities fuels the generation of new ideas, techniques, and vision.
These gatherings are private functions, by invitation only, and are a continuation of my research into the creative process.
The Refuge for Travelers & Makers on Vinalhaven
Vinalhaven, an island in Penobscot Bay, is a rare and unique natural site. Removed from the mainland, accessible only by ferry, Vinalhaven has been a place for lobstermen, sailors, rusticators and year-rounders to live together in the extraordinary natural environment. I invite artists to join me in my home, use the studio facilities, enjoy the natural environment, and share creative energy and challenging ideas. Together we continue an ongoing exploration in what constitutes the creative process.
Travelers & Makers 2020
Marcus Rhinelander
Hawxhurst D. A. McNabb
Travelers & Makers 2021
Hawxhurst D. A. McNabb
Marcus Rhinelander + Claire Priest
LeeAnn Herreid + Paul Attemann + Enrik Attemann
Catherine Hamilton
Jock Montgomery + Annie Miniscloux
Michael Kohout
Matt Skeele + Annie Quest
Monika Agnello + Albert Kausch
Travelers & Makers 2022
Hawxhurst D. A. McNabb
Michael Kohout
Marcus Rhinelander + Claire Priest
Annie Quest + Matt Skeele
Jocelyn Arruda
Kroaka—Cedar to Sea
LeeAnn Herreid
Christy DeWitt
Lucas Schoen
Matt Herreid
Bunny Harvey
Travelers & Makers 2023
Hawxhurst D. A. McNabb
Michael Kohout
Lucas Schoen
Annie Quest + Matt Skeele
Catherine Hamilton
LeeAnn Herreid
Christy DeWitt
Brandon Pierce
Jock Montgomery + Annie Miniscloux
Marcus + Alex + Catherine Rhinelander
Outward Bound Water Source
Travelers & Makers 2024
Hawxhurst D.A. McNabb
Michael Kohout
Jigme Selden—-Bhutan
Elisabeth Ernst—Schanze8 Artist Residency, Germany
Vinalhaven Singer/Songwriting group—Kris Davidson, Jennifer Kimball, Richie Carlson, Elisabeth Ernst
Dawa Drolma
Dawa Dakpa
Christy DeWitt George—Indigo dyeing fish skin workshop
Writer in Residence—Annie Penfield
Penny Guisinger
Writer’s Forum—Annie Penfield, Penny Guisinger, Marian Godfrey, Caylee Brooker, Kris Davidson
Annie Quest—Charcoal casting workshop
Catherine Hamilton—Naturalist/Artist workshop
Apprenticeshop landing site
T&M ‘24
Brandon Pierce
Christy DeWitt
LeeAnn Herreid (in absentia)
Indigo Dyeing Workshop—Christy DeWitt
Artists in Residence—Baran Shafiey + Wilson Dean
Ratu Drukpa—Bhutan
Geology Collaboration—George Kendrick, Jennifer Kimball, Marian Godfrey, William Travaskis
The Refuge in Vermont
In the 2000’s, we built a yurt on 119 acres of land with the help of the Greenwood School. The property has a studio and an outhouse. The land is inaccessible by car in the winter. Artists and young people hike, ski, or snowshoe into the remote site to experience a retreat. The Refuge has been a sanctuary to artists and vulnerable people who come to visit, reflect, and do meaningful work.
The Dinner Club 1987-1991
While at art school I realized we were all fairly isolated in our studios and craving some relief and support but didn’t want to lose the intensity of our studio time. I invited a group of artists in various departments to meet on a monthly basis. We would cycle through each of our apartments and serve as “host”. The host would provide the main course and divide up appetizers, salad, bread, drinks, etc among the other guests. We would bring our creative problems to the gathering and share either formal structural issues, or discuss how to deal with a difficult professor, or help one of our group practice for the play they were starring in. The energy, rather than slowing down our studio efforts, energized us to get back to work, and taught us how to utilize community, take breaks, and revitalize.
The Gatherings 1993-1995
In the 1990’s I hosted weekend gatherings of creative people. Artists, writers, art historians, photographers, scientists, and thinkers. We would get together for intensive periods to share our work, our perspectives, and influence each other while enjoying food, drink, and camaraderie.
The Museion 1995-1996
Later in the 1990’s The Gatherings mutated into events that resulted in collaborations of art making.